E-Mail Marketing:
Let's face it - the # 1 killer approach on the internet today is email. Why is email
a goldmine as far as business is concerned? Simple, it gives you the capability to reach
billions of people (read 'prospects') at the click of a button at literally zero cost. It's a
real no-brainer what it means to generate even one sale with such costs.
Defmition of Email Marketing: The practice of sending sales letters or customer
newsletters by email. While some individuals think it can be annoying, many
businesses find it a cost effective marketing tool. Email communications are often more
effective than printed direct mail, because a reader can click on a link and go straight to
the sender's web site.
Definition of Opt-In Email Marketing: Opt-in e-mail advertising or permission
marketing is a method of advertising by electronic mail wherein the recipient of the
advertisement has consented to receive it. It is one of several ways developed by
marketers to eliminate the disadvantages of e-mail marketing.
E-mail has become a very popular mode of communication across the world. It
has also become extremely popular to advertise through. Some of the many advantages
of advertising through e-mail are the direct contact with the consumer and it is
"inexpensive, flexible, and simple to implement. There are also disadvantages attached
to e-mail advertising such as alienating the consumer because of overload to messages
or the advertisement getting deleted without getting read.
A common example of permission marketing is a newsletter sent to firm's
customers. Newsletters like this are a way to let customers know about upcoming
events or promotions, or new products. In this type of advertising, a company that
wants to send a newsletter to their customers may ask them at the point of purchase if
they would like to receive this newsletter.
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